Kayla and I went to the library today for the Lapsit Storytime. It’s for children 24 months and under, and we had a really fun time.
The librarian does things like patty cake with his big frog and also reads a few stories. Kayla really enjoyed them, and during the last story she told me she had to go potty. She’s so funny with potty stuff. She loves to go whenever we’re out–at Meijer, a restaurant, you name it–but isn’t always so fond of going at home. She’ll usually go at least a few times a day at home but typically only when it gives her a few more minutes of stalling time before going down for a nap or going to bed at night. I asked her today if she wanted me to make her a potty chart that she could put stickers on when she goes potty. Her response: “yeah!” The way she says “yeah” is so funny. The intonation of her voice makes it sound like she’s saying, “Of course, Mommy.”
Anyway, back to the library. After a few stories, the kids get to play with toys. Kayla and I completed the shape sorter at least three times. By 10:45 it was time to clean up, so then we went to another part of the library to check out books and play with puzzles. Kayla and another little girl sat at the table doing puzzles side by side, and Kayla insisted on sharing the swan puzzle piece with her friend. She’s so sweet about sharing. The other day I heard her saying, “Kayla share Kayla take turns.” I guess all that hard work teaching her to share back in the summer and fall was worth it now.
Cute story. Nice way to keep in touch with you.
Mom (Grandma Kasey)
Jen it was so good to hear that you guys are doing so well, and how much Kayla has grown. They grow so fast it’s unreal. I want you to know that I am praying for you guys and want you to know that I love and miss you all 🙂 Daisy
Hi, Jen
Thanks for the fun update. Trips to the library were the highlight of our week when the kids were little. I can just picture Kayla participating in all the fun activities there! Thanks for making reading and learning so important to her.
Love, Mom