This year we started a new family tradition: we went blueberry picking! We visited Rhynard’s Blueberry Farm, just a short drive from Mt. Pleasant, and spent the morning filling pails with our favorite antioxidant-packed fruit. The girls were great helpers, and surprisingly, they didn’t eat a single berry until we had paid for them and washed them in our kitchen sink. Together our family picked 7 1/4 pounds—not counting the ones my mom picked. Here a shot of the girls all geared up for picking:
An action shot of Kayla:
With all the blueberries, we enjoyed a variety of delicious foods. Besides blueberries on cereal and blueberries with cream and sugar, we also made five batches of blueberry pancakes, blueberry popsicles and Bert’s Best Blueberry Bars (from Kayla’s Sesame Street cookbook). The bars were outstanding!
And because 7 1/4 pounds of berries just wasn’t enough, Aaron and I went back the following Saturday to pick another 5 3/4 pounds. The berries we couldn’t eat fresh are stored in the freezer to enjoy this winter. We discovered a hand-picked berry is so much more fun to eat than the ones from the store—and at $1.40/lb., how can you beat that?
I felt bad because we didn’t have time on the 31st to pick more blueberries. I’m glad that you and Aaron went back for more. They sure are yummy. 🙂
Ooh sounds yummy! I can’t wait to see the pictures!
Glad that you got the pictures on this blog. They are so cute. That was a fun going blueberry picking with your family.
Thanks for the picture of the blueberry bars. They look just like the picture in the cookbook! Great job!