Who doesn’t love the classic book Green Eggs & Ham? Even Sophie loves it. I found a recipe for Green Egg & Ham on 100 Days of Real Food and wanted to make it for the girls. Basically you combine eggs, milk, spinach, chopped onion, salt and pepper in the blender and then scramble them in a frying pan. In addition to a Creamsicle Green Smoothie, it made for a perfect St. Patrick’s Day breakfast.
(I used natural turkey instead of ham.)
Lesson learned: Don’t give a green smoothie to a toddler recovering from a stomach virus, even if she really wants it. It didn’t settle well in Sophie’s tummy.
Kayla was sweet this morning. She helped Sophie get ready for our annual St. Patrick’s Day photo.
She even picked out Sophie’s outfit, dressed her, helped her brush her teeth, and combed her hair.
You’ll notice Sophie is wearing a different outfit for the photo below. The aforementioned stomach virus was the cause of the outfit change. Poor thing. Hope she’s feeling better soon.
Love these girls.