The girls have colds again, but this time they’re not the only ones. Actually, I think I was the first one to get this virus. It primarily affected my throat last week, and by the weekend I had completely lost my voice. The symptoms continue to linger; maybe that’s I sign I need more rest. (Have you ever tried to get more rest when you have 2 children under 2 1/2 and they’re both sick?)
The girls started showing signs of their colds on Sunday. They’re both very congested, and poor little Kayla was almost throwing up last night because she had so much drainage in her throat. Her voice is really raspy and sounds very cute. Madeline is also really congested, not to mention that she’s teething on top of that. She has the lone warm-mist vaporizer in her room, though we really all need them. Kayla has a cool-mist humidifier, but I think a warm-mist vaporizer would help her, too. Maybe we should just have a family slumber party so we can share the vaporizer.
We went shopping twice for nasal decongestant for Kayla last night. Basically all children’s nasal decongestants have cough syrup, but Kayla doesn’t have a cough. Finally, after much searching, we found some Dimetapp for runny and stuffy noses only. Kayla gets very excited about taking her medicine (she really likes how it tastes), so I have to be very careful to keep it out of her reach.
Awww, I’m sorry to hear that you girls have been sick. That’s too bad 🙁 Hope you are all feeling better soon!