Today, while the girls were “napping”, I decided it was time to start exercising. I’ve been walking, but usually doctors recommend that you don’t do heavy exercising until at least six weeks postpartum.
I put on some cool tunes, moved furniture out of the center of the living room and started dancing! About 10 minutes later, it was time to get Kayla out of her crib (she didn’t nap today; I give her 1 1/2 hours of quiet time if she doesn’t nap). So I asked Kayla if she wanted to exercise with me. We came downstairs and had a dance party! Kayla kept laughing and thought it was great fun. I, of course, kept laughing at how adorable she was.
Cute. A video tape would have been fun to watch. 🙂
i wanna see a video too jen!! that’s so much fun! maybe next time you can dress up in old dance costumes, put headpieces or accessories on kayla too–it shows i was a dancer too huh? fun fun fun!!
I’m with everyone else, dance party for children. Who knows you could market it if you wanted 🙂
Love to see you both smile and giggle at God’s gift of movement.