What a fun and beautiful fall we’ve had! Sometimes if feels like the weather in Michigan goes from summer to winter with only about two weeks of fall in between. This year, however, we had lots of sunny days in the 50’s and 60’s. There were, of course, some cold, yucky days and a few really hot ones, but overall I think it was one of the best falls we’ve had in a long time.
At the Frederik Meijer Gardens:
Walking the trails at Blandford Nature Center:
What the girls found under one of our bushes and have played with for hours since:
At Orchard Hill Farm (on one of the cold, yucky days):
Rag curls, just like the Little House girls had:
A High Five craft the girls did by themselves
Face and hand painting by Mommy:
This one got a little wet before we took a picture:
So did this one:
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