Want to see some super cute pictures of the girls in their costumes? Check them out!
Kayla the Monkey and Madeline the Chick
Yes, everyone thought Madeline was adorable in her costume.
Our Big Girl
The Dora Pumpkin
“Meow” (That’s what Madeline calls cats)
Overall we had a great night. We took the girls trick-or-treating in a residence hall at CMU (great idea, Amy!). It was warm and dry, and the girls got lots of candy. The college students loved seeing the kids all dressed up, too.
We came back home for what was the highlight of the evening in Kayla’s eyes–passing out candy to our own trick-or-treaters. She loved giving out two—or eight—pieces of candy to each child (or big kid—we had just as many of those). At bedtime I asked her what the best part of her day was, and she said “giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters.”
It’s a few minutes past 9:30—bedtime for me! We put Madeline to bed 1 1/2 hours ago and she’s still talking happily in her crib. Could it be the Halloween candy?
Loved the pictures and the story. Isn’t it wonderful that Kayla, at 3 yrs. old, knows that “it is better to give than to receive”. Her parents have done a wonderful job nurturing the girls.
They look super adorable! I think it’s so sweet what Kayla said too 🙂 Good job parents!