She has a couple other words that she says, too. I’ve been showing Kayla baby signs for several months now, because research shows babies can communicate with sign language before they can actually speak. While I’m feeding Kayla, I show her the sign for “more” often, and I also vocalize the word. So now while Kayla is eating, you can frequently hear her say “mo,” which I think means “more.” 🙂
A few days ago, she did one of the coolest things yet. Each day as Kayla has finished eating, I’ve been showing her the sign for “all done,” which involves flipping the wrists. Just the other day, as Kayla was getting full, she lifted her right hand, held it up by her face, and signed “all done!” It was amazing. Now she does that at the conclusion of most meals, and sometimes she even vocalizes the word “done,” too. She occasionally does the “all done” sign at random times, like the other morning when I got her out of her crib. My conclusion is that she must have been dreaming about signing all night long! Just kidding.
Finally, Kayla is on the move! She hasn’t quite gotten her belly off the floor yet, but she can certainly army crawl to wherever she wants to go. She also initiated a game of peek-a-boo on New Year’s morning by pulling her burp cloth over her face and moving it away. She kept laughing and repeating the game over and over. What a sweetie!
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