Kayla loves to draw. Until recently, her drawings pretty much were just scribbles. The other day she came running out to the kitchen and said, “Mommy, I drew a picture of me eating!” To my surprise, here is the drawing.
Though it looks like she’s eating spaghetti, she said she was actually eating chicken. Since this drawing, she has made many other drawings that actually look like real things.
Looks like Kayla’s developing some of the same talents as a few other Kerrs, and with some of the same methods. Compare with a bit I posted over here: http://winonalakekerrs.blogspot.com/2007/06/they-said-it-couldnt-be-done.html
And tell her, “well done!” for me. 🙂
Okay. I confess. I let Kayla use the red marker and the erasable magnetic board on the fridge for two minutes last time she was here (under my very close supervision of course), and she drew a picture of a blanket. Yes, I know it’s only a rectangle and, yes, I know I’m a prejudiced Grandma, but in my book it takes a lot for a 3-year-old to actually draw a rectangle, so the blanket picture remains unerased on the fridge as a tribute to her obviously advanced development 🙂