The girls are napping, and I should be cleaning the kitchen. Since I’ve been dawdling for a little while anyway, I might as well write a quick post.
About a month ago Kayla and I started playing “school.” Knowing we wouldn’t have transportation during the day when we were in Detroit, I packed all sorts of educational materials and craft supplies to keep us busy in the hotel. Kayla fell in love with “school” immediately and has wanted to do it ever since. Even when she was sick with the stomach flu she still asked to do school (though we had to take a quite a few sick breaks to the bathroom).
A couple weeks ago I started keeping a calendar with all the fun things we’ve been doing during our school time. Usually we do it from about 9:30 to 11:00 each morning while Madeline naps. Kayla has such a passion for learning! She’s like a sponge and just soaks up everything I teach her. Right now she loves trying to spell words. She will pick a word (like zebra, for example) and then we’ll start breaking apart all the sounds. She tells me which letters we need, and pretty soon we’ve spelled a word. She’s so eager to read already! She spends much of the day talking about words and letters. We also have a typing program on our computer for kids that really helped Kayla learn her lower case letters.
Reminds me of our trip home from Glenn & Becki’s. S T O P spells stop. 🙂 It is obvious Kayla’s love for learning. She seems to catch on so easily. I love to watch her cute little face as she processes information.