What do you get when you combine a four-year-old girl and 25+ trips to the bathroom being sick? You guessed it—one dehydrated child! Kayla’s sickness started Friday evening. The poor thing threw up 15 times in 9 hours. Besides being a little weak and feverish on Saturday, she seemed like she was well on her way to recovery. Sunday she felt great, but we kept her home from church just to be safe. We were surprised to have Kayla wake at 2 a.m. today to start another round of sickness. We lost count, but I’m pretty sure she threw up at least 25 times. She couldn’t keep anything down—neither ice chips nor sips of Pedialyte—so around 4 p.m. Aaron took her to the ER. She was a champ with her IV, and when she returned home around 7 p.m., she was doing much better! Sorry I don’t have any pictures for this post, but I didn’t think to send the camera.
Grandma Mayes says
Sure was sorry to read this blog. Wanted to call to check on the girls, but know how busy your days are. I was afraid that Kayla might get dehydrated. Sure hope that she is on the road to recovery.
Leslie says
Awww poor little sweetie! I hope that she is feeling better–and hopefully it isn’t contagious! The other little ones probably wouldn’t enjoy that either!
Elaine A. Schulte says
I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough time. We prayed for all of you. I got a report tonight from Becky that things are back on track. God is good. I’m glad you got good treatment for Kayla.
Colleen says
I’m glad to hear she’s feeling better! We were praying for you all!