We are all doing well! Kayla has been doing great with potty training lately. She’s basically completely trained now, with an occasional accident.
The other day she and I were reading about Joseph from her Bible. We read the part where Joseph’s brothers tore their clothes after finding the chalice in Benjamin’s bag (Genesis 44). Kayla wanted to pray, and here was her prayer: “Dear God, people tear their clothes sometimes. Amen.”
Kayla still enjoys playing on the porch. One day I pulled out a chair to sit with her and found a spider with her egg sacks. I tried to gently spray the spider off with the hose, but she desperately tried to get to her babies. The mothering instinct in me felt sad for the spider, so I left them alone. Now we have three spiders who all have special homes on our porch. Kayla likes to pray for them sometimes, too.
Today Kayla got another mosquito bite on her face. One of my friends recommended rubbing a paste made of meat tenderizer and water on the bite, so I tried that today. It really worked! The mosquito bite basically vanished withinΒ 20 minutes!
Madeline is growing and doing well. She proved a couple weeks ago that she can sleep in, too. One morning I let her sleep as long as she wanted, and she slept past 10 a.m.! I actually had to go in to wake her so we could go to church. Of course that was a morning that Kayla woke at 5:30 from a bad dream and wouldn’t go back to sleep, but that’s ok. Madeline really enjoys playing with toys now, and I think we’ll all be happy when her first teeth come in. You can tell they’re bothering her–her gums just can’t seem to be soothed!
The cats are doing well also. It’s cricket season, so that makes Boo Boo quite happy. I feel bad for the poor crickets because he kind of tortures them. He pulls their legs off, plays with them for a while and finally eats them. He leaves the legs, of course, so I’m always cleaning up cricket legs around our house.
Today I’m making my first wedding cake! Two of our friends are getting married tomorrow, and for the reception they’re having an assortment of cheesecakes. I’m making two of them, so I guess I can say I’ve made a wedding cake now. π
It’s nap time for the girls, so I have much to do!
Thanks for the updates. I really enjoy reading them. π
That’s awesome about Kayla and her potty training π Layla has no interest, well she has interest in all of us going potty all the time and she signs potty when she is wetting her diaper, but if I try to put her on her potty she screams! So, I think we will wait a bit π I am sure it is nice to only be buying/changing diapers for one! I am excited to be rid of them completely for awhile!