We returned from Minnesota last night after spending a week there. We had such a relaxing vacation with lots of down time and some fun adventures, too. Kayla absolutely loved the Mall of America. She rode six kiddie rides; Madeline rode one. We also took the girls to the Como Park Zoo in St. Paul. We saw some really cool animals up close, and the flower gardens were amazing. I’ll have to post some pictures once I get organized.
Madeline switched from taking steps to walking while we were gone. One night she was watching Aaron’s 9-year-old cousin play ping-pong. As she watched, I could tell that she was making a major decision in her mind: she was ready to be a walker. She immediately started taking off and got plenty of practice with all the relatives around. She still takes a few tumbles and crawls on occasion, but overall walking is her preference now. It’s really cute.
Our vacation can pretty much be summed up with four days of traveling in the van (two there, two back), two big adventures (the mall and the zoo), and lots of fun time with Aaron’s relatives. We certainly had plenty of good food and lots of outdoor fun, including Bocce Ball, badmitton, a row boat and a trampoline. As I said earlier, it was a very relaxing trip, and now we’re ready to dive back into life at home!
Sounds like a wonderful week. Ok I need to know more about the zoo. How big is it? Which zoo can you compare it too? You know me an my love of zoos.