Tuesday night I didn’t have a choice: I had to take it easy. I was on the couch, covered with four blankets and no energy to move. I’m not sure that it was the flu, but I had all the symptoms. Early Wednesday morning, Savannah woke running a fever, too. Aaron decided to go to work on Wednesday, but I had instructions to take it easy and call him if I was desperate.
Here’s what taking it easy looked like for me yesterday:
—I did three loads of laundry.
—I read books to the girls for an hour (despite having a sore throat).
—I played outside with the girls.
—I made a double batch of Southwest Lasagna.
—I took Madeline to her last Parent-Tot swimming lesson.
—Madeline and I celebrated the completion of her class with ice cream!
Hmm … I’ve never been very good at the resting thing!
Sorry that you’re under the weather. Sure hope you are better now. Proves that God knew what he was doing when he created mothers. 🙂
Aww sorry to hear that 🙁 Sometimes you have to force yourself to take it easy! Your girls are lucky to have such a dedicated mother!
If that was “taking it easy,” I’d hate to see what kind of day you would have had if you weren’t taking it easy! I remember one year when the kids were young I got a Mother’s Day card from a friend that talked about taking it easy and enjoying the day, and then on the inside it said something like, “Okay. Time’s up. Get back to work.” It’s kind of the way with motherhood, but the perks make it all worthwhile!