Aaron, Jonah and I took a trip to California earlier this month. Aaron’s brother and sister-in-law have lived in the San Francisco Bay area for five years, and we’ve been wanting to visit. We booked super cheap plane tickets and spent a long weekend in California while the girls stayed in Grand Rapids with Grandma and Grandpa Kerr. Though we picked a rainy weekend, we still had a fantastic time. The warm air felt great, and we really enjoyed spending time with family and friends. (Some of our friends from Mt. Pleasant now live in CA, too.)
Here we are, ready for take off! It was a long flight—4.5 hours—but Jonah did amazing! Lots of people complimented Jonah on being such a happy traveler.
The row of seats in front of us was empty, so we were able to spread out a little.
This serious little guy got to visit and have lunch at Apple Computers.
We toured Stanford University, where our friend Andy Saltarelli works. The church was beautiful!
This is worth reading!
At Muir Woods National Monument
The Golden Gate Bridge
Joel, Emily, Grey & Ender
Thanks for the trip summary/pictures. I can’t believe how much Jonah has changed in the past 2 months. Looks like you had a great time. What a blessing that you got away for the long weekend.